Wow, so much feedback! Thanks, everyone, for making me feel loved and welcomed -- as much as I've dabbled in a few other fandoms, this is definitely my favorite one, thanks in large part to all of you! sloppy

Thanks for reading, KatharineKent! This actually isn't one of my favorite parts of the show (though I do enjoy it quite a bit), and I'd promised myself I wouldn't ever write a Revelation Story, per se (notice my use of capital letters there wink ), since so many people had already done so many wonderful things with it that I was sure I'd never be able to come up with something as good, but...hmm. I don't know. I guess it's time I stop telling myself what I'll 'never' do. :p

Thanks, Annie B! This story didn't go anywhere I thought it would, and it's only better for it (I think), so I hope you enjoy it!

Lynn, thank you so much for beta-ing these first chapters -- and for being good enough to take time out of your busy life to come back to it after all this time!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it! sloppy Thanks so much for the warm welcome and the kind words, not to mention the link to 'And Then There Was Light.' I've actually been re-reading that story myself to immerse myself once again in L&C, and I keep remembering the wonderful notes you sent me on it. They really stayed with me all this time. And if there's something wrong with you for liking the stories where Clark suffers, then I have to admit to the same ailment. Really, when I made my sister read this story, I told her, "It's pretty much a story I wrote to see just how much pain I could put Clark through. That's pretty much it." So...uh, hope you like it? wink

Wow, chelo, thanks for the lovely review! Hearing that someone read my writing out loud is actually one of the things that makes me mentally squee and give myself a high five. I love reading things that flow, and I want to be able to write them as well. Also, if I were technologically literate at all, I wouldn't mind trying out reading stories out loud, but I'll have to get back to you on that one. And thanks for loving -- and remembering -- And Then There Was Light. I had a blast with that story -- I hope you enjoy the rest of the stories in the archives!

Again, thank you, everyone, for the absolutely warming feedback!