My goodness. I knew I was going to love this from the very start. One of my favourtie settings, one of my favourite episodes for 'what if' one of my favourite heartbreaks (Clark's turmoil) etc etc not to mention your superb writing just setting it off perfectly.

And so I knew I was going to hate the fact that this is only part 1 out of 6. ARGH!

The Park Bench.
I love the idea that Clark has captialised this in his mind. It give so much meaning to the memories associated with it.

The Window.

Lois’s Window.

That was Superman’s nightmare, though, not Clark Kent’s, and right now, he was Clark Kent.
Hmm, another place capitalised. Poor Clark.

rip on his powers did he allow myself to look back at Lois.
Is this supposed to be 'himself' cause this story is in third not first.

He had been wrong.

The Park Bench and The Window had been nothing, nothing at all, compared to The Fountain.
mecry A third capitalised place. Hy heart is breaking for Clark.

Please post more as soon as you can. Twice a week is not fast enough.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."