I read this one back as it was posted on the boards and I totally loved it! It's one of the longer stories on the archives, and it requires some adjustment to the image of Lois Lane in our minds, but it's more than worth it. And every time I read about Kinetic/Kinetic Girl I laugh aloud.

This is both a sweet and a powerful story, and any author with this kind of skill should be writing for money, because this is definitely professional quality storytelling. If you haven't finished it, you owe it to yourself to keep going, because it's a wonderful story with its roots in both fairy tales and gritty reality. I wish I could write like this.

Even so, I can read and appreciate it. And I do.

sloppy Thanks for telling us about Lois and her dragons in the stable.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing