Thank you for your nice feedback. What a great way to start a day laugh

Is there a reason you changed the movie or do I remember it wrong?
Virginia is right, it was part of the script. I forgot to mention that in yesterday's post. Sometimes, I use the script for more detailed information, particularly when I've got too little time to rewatch the episode. And since I still know most episodes in the German version, I'm never quite sure if it was changed to fit the different language. I mean, in the German version of the pilot, Jimmy fixes a toaster, not the horn of a golf cart. They watch Mel Gibson movies in either version, but I wasn't sure, because I have watched the episode in english about once or maybe twice.

Anyway, when Virginia read the first version of this story, she suggested that keep the Woody Allen movies, so I did.

I can't help wondering though what will happen when Lois gets woken up from her head nudging against the ceiling at 5 in the morning.

There is just no way Clark will avoid floating with such a happy day.
Very nice idea. I entertained that thought myself. but unfortunately, I don't really know how to continue this story from this point on. If anything comes to mind, I'll be sure to explore this scene. drool

I must admit that when I reached this section, I was just a little uneasy (not sure if that's the right word.) I loved that she finally admitted to herself and to him that she loves him, and the scene where she was kissing his neck was so sensual, and yet, even though this was *exactly* what I (presumably, all of us!) had been waiting for, it just seemed like the natural progression of things would lead to bed, and part of me was thinking, "No. It's too early. Not yet." I am so glad they both stepped back just a tad, glad Clark voiced his doubts, glad Lois acknowledged the pain she had caused him that day in the park. The ending was beautiful.
Thank you very much, Vicky. Actually, this started out as a reply to a much older challenge, one that suggested to turn the scene of the Prankster into a nfic story. The wall I ran into writing this was that those were my thoughts exactly. It was too early. Even if Lois would beg Clark to go the whole way, he wouldn't do it, because it would have been taking advantage of her. And knowing Lois, she wouldn't beg in the first place. Pressuring them into doing it would lead to an untimely end of their relationship. So, I guess stopping where I did was for the best.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool