I really enjoyed this story--such a lovely, WAFFy read...the classic apt scene in The Prankster--Lois and Clark on the couch--yeah, can't get much better scene-wise than that IMO. One of my favorites!

<Just tell him>, a tiny voice whispers inside my mind.

<Forget about it>, a much larger choir screams.

“This is great! We should do this more often. What are you doing tomorrow night?” The words are out, before I’m able to do something about it. Nervous babbling is all I seem to be capable of.

I really enjoyed all of Lois' thoughts throughout the story...hearing what she's thinking--and then what actually is said. And of course her babbles are always entertaining .

So, a moment later I find myself standing in Clark's bedroom. Looking at his sleeping form finally serves to slow my pulse down. I breathe a sigh of relief and once again tears threaten to roll down my cheeks. Since I met Clark almost a year and a half ago, he has managed to worm his way into my heart. He is my best friend and I’m beginning to understand that I can’t imagine my life without him in it.

Loved reading her realizations of how important Clark is to her

Killing me is not the worst thing Griffin could do.

Really liked this line

But I can no longer ignore those feelings. They are rushing through me. It seems as if someone has first shaken, and then opened a bottle of champagne. Longing, heart-ache, warmth and a sense of belonging spill over me to the point of making me dizzy.

Loved the description here...her really and truly falling in love!

For long moments I just inhale that intoxicating scent. I breathe in and out until all tears are dried, until I’m no longer able to tell where my lips end and his neck begins. The first kiss tastes salty. His skin is incredibly soft, addictive even. I’m drawn to him, kissing my way up his neck until my lips brush his earlobe and wander across his cheek until I finally capture his lips.

They taste like milk and honey, sweet and silky. A low moan escapes Clark as he parts his lips and welcomes my tongue with a gentle caress. Gradually Clark takes the lead and deepens the kiss. A rush of warmth fills my belly, sending me on a spiral of pure bliss. My skin starts tingling with excitement, every little inch of it longing for Clark’s touch. I have never been kissed like this. If this is what kissing is meant to be like, I have probably never been kissed at all. My lips burn with disappointment as Clark's abruptly leave them.

Great part--the hug of comfort and then....great kiss!

All rational thought is gone as he starts nibbling on my lower lip, sucking gently, teasing. His tongue flickers against mine, slips into my mouth like a thief set out to steal my heart. I lose myself in the feel of those lips that can do the most wonderful things. My heart beats excitedly. With every gentle probing of his tongue, he fuels the desire that is slowly building up deep inside my belly. Clark’s lips leave me just before the growing flame turns into a firestorm.

Love your descriptions of the kisses--great!!!

“That’s not what I meant,” I hurry to say and once again find myself hesitating, before I make the final leap of faith. “I love you, Clark. I love you with all my heart.”


"Good night, Lois,” Clark whispers.

“Good night, Clark,” I reply quietly. As Clark slips his arm loosely around my waist, I finally feel myself relax. He’s right. We’re safe.

Cute ending...loved the arm around her waist as they both drift off to sleep

Wonderful story--thanks for sharing!

Sorry this post is a bit messed up--I had started a thread for feedback, left it open too long, a feedback thread was already created when I submitted my thread, so I tried to cut and paste my remarks into the new current thread....lost all of my smilies and quote marks--hope still readable blush

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~