Great story! Loved how you thought to shove one of Clark's all-time lamest excuses right back towards him clap ...loved the irony--and the fact that he didn't see it coming!

“Seriously, though, Lois,” he said, catching her gaze. “Why all of the lame excuses? Why are you using *cheese* of all things as a diversion tactic to avoid talking to me?”

Lois gave him a strange look that he wasn’t quite able to interpret. The closest he could come was total exasperation mixed with a heavy dose of irony. “Really, Clark??” she asked disbelievingly. “I mean, *REALLY*??”
Loved how Clark actually asked her about HER lame excuses--and after two years of Lois hearing about dentist appointments, late videos, cheese memberships, etc.---she finally has the upper hand dance

Really creative--thanks for sharing!

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~