KatherineKent: Thanks for sticking with me. I'm trying to write as quickly out of this hole as I can, but as I just mentioned to a beta, it seems with every step forward, I take two steps back.
Fantastic update as always.
smile1 Thank you.

I loved the conversation between Clark and Carlos. Such wisdom from Carlos. It was great.
Well, Carlos does have *some* subconscious experience with Lois. wink

I'm glad that Jack is Lois' contact and hope that she can have the effect on his life that Clark did in the original universe.
I wasn't going to have Jack in this story, but I loved his character so much, I couldn't resist. Plus, I kept thinking what horrible things would have happened to him because he never met Clark (no robbery of Clark's apt, so no meeting) and I just couldn't do that to him.

JACK: So, you inflicted me with Lane instead. Thanks.

Hope Clark comes back soon and sees the notes from Lois. She obviously want to clear the air - tell the truth - forgive him - ask for forgiveness - etc. Can't wait to see that conversation. I'm dreaming of lovely waffy hugs, kisses, declarations.

Am I going to be disappointed?
Not if you're patient. peep

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.