I'm a little surprised that the snowfall was so strong that Martha and Jonathan still haven't made it back. frown I hope they're okay, or are they staying in town to give Lois and Clark a little more alone time together? wink wink Since the power is back on, and I'm assuming the phones since Lois was able to fax / send her story electronically to Perry, that Clark would've called their hotel and told them what happened on the farm while they were gone. Or is he hoping to have his powers back and have the whole mess cleaned up before they return and he can make it sound not as bad as it was as so not to worry them?

How to show him that I cared about him – that I –

“Love him?” I said aloud to the quiet solitude around me, those words sending a frisson of pleasure and fear through me.
Hmmm, I wonder if Lois realizes that her 'love' interest sometimes has super powerful hearing and might've heard her. Of course, knowing our loveable lunkhead, he probably thought she was thinking of Lex Luthor back in Metropolis. evil

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.