Sorry, about the short part, but I just couldn't *not* end it on such a delicious cliffy.
Hey! Oh, right. Still got two months worth of reading available.

Okay, you can now throw your tomatoes [Big Grin] ... um... post your comments.
/uses needle to scratch comments into tomato's skin/

“Yes!” she said a tad forcefully. “If you had asked Perry, you would’ve known that I had sent in my story about Arthur’s marriage last night.
Oh? “Old sleazebag marries skanky stripper”?
LOIS: Lex got married to his secretary?
MRS. COX: *Personal* assistant.

because he wanted me to break the story in the Daily Planet.
Nice. Classy. And yet, the Met Star still beat them senseless with it.
LINDA: Well, I did know it first. /flashes her new ice before placing another bet at roulette/

“I was the decoy girlfriend for his mother, because he could never be interested in somebody ‘as starchly conservative as me and his mother’.”
So, he met a stuck-up Cat, figured she’d make a great beard, dated her in public while getting it on in private with some two-bit hooker-
-and then told Cat right before he left to be betrothed by Elvis.
Really classy, indeed.
LEX: At least, *I* never promise them marriage unless I actually do plan to lock them up in a cage.

“I guess I wasn’t the only one hiding their true personality.”
It must be in the water in Metropolis. Either that or it’s some Kryptonian disease Superman brought with him from back home.

“Water under the bridge,” she replied, only weaker.

“You sobbed for over ten minutes.”

Cat shrugged and started to pick at the belt of her robe.
I almost expected her to drop the robe.

You didn’t feel like someone could love you for you, but only your body. So, since it was your body you felt you might as well offer it to the highest bidder.”
Did he just call her a prostitute?
CAT: [Linked Image]
LOIS: [Linked Image] Don’t worry, he does that with all the women in his life. Comes from his mother having been a concubine. He thinks it’s an endearment.

“The first is a woman, a married woman,” Clark reminded her with a sharp look.
So, Cat could have made concubine?

“But I knew you were in serious trouble, in the deepest darkest pit of despair, when you impersonated Lois.”

Her gaze jumped to his in surprise.

“I’ve never heard a call for help any louder, Cat,” he said, and then he leaned forward conspiratorially. “And I’m Superman.”
eek I think he is a tad over the top, there.

“Cat, you’re intelligent, sweet, thoughtful, kind, and, as Jimmy said earlier, ‘smoking hot’.”
Maybe he shouldn’t repeat that where Lois can overhear.

“Ugh. Don’t remind me,” she said, looking to the ceiling. “I’d feel like I would be robbing the cradle with that puppy.”
Aww, I’m sure he’d appreciate the tutelage.

“Maybe I should give up on men altogether,” she said, nibbling on her bottom lip in contemplation.
So, it’s women now?

“You don’t happen to have a brother, do you?” she asked innocently.
No, but his wife’s got a body-guard/boy-toy. Maybe she’d be willing to share?

I was afraid that I was about to lose my best friend.”
Women really die by the dozen around him, don’t they?

“Thanks for putting ‘intelligent’ first,” Cat said with a wink.

“I’ve straightened out your files and gave you a simpler directory,” he said, removing his glasses.
[Linked Image]

“You… those… those are personal files!” she exclaimed. “I have a password.”

He looked at her with grinning skepticism. “I know. Superman? It wasn’t too tough to figure out,” Eugene said, sitting back down at her computer.
Nobody with such an easy password can mean to actually protect their files.
RALPH: [Linked Image] Same goes for chicks in hook-up get-up.
LEX: Or when they undress in front of a high-def surveillance installation.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

She had set that password months ago, to hide her novel from her sister.
LUCY: Hot stuff in there. Never knew my big Sis actually knew those moves.

“Eugene, there are more important things going on than a temporary computer slow-down,”
Never had to work with a dial-up landline instead of a cable internet connection, huh?

A virus programmed to destroy all other software programs, a poly-morphic, encrypted virus,” Eugene said.
[Linked Image]

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