Originally posted by bobbart:
There is one more but it's really subtle (Season 4 Krypto).
dizzy I remember the Krypto episode, at least, sort-of. I re-read your story again and I'm still not seeing it. The first episode of S4 if one of my absolute favorites from Smallville - for one very obvious reason with the initials LL - but Krypto is not a particularly memorable episode.

So, do I have to pull out the S4 disks and watch it or are you going to throw me a bone (sorry, I couldn't resist) and tell me the reference?

*laughs* Ok.

Chloe: How is the new tenant?

Clark: Lois? Well, she, uh, re-recorded our answering machine, she uses all the hot water, and she took over my bedroom. She's doing great.
I posted this story on Ksite last night and someone pointed out a 4th which hadn't occurred to me at all. Duh! And this one is not quite a subtle as the Krypto one.

It's from Season 10 - Ambush.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."