Originally posted by Darth Michael:
EW: I think I can sneak one in before bedtime.
LEX: That’s funny. I thought the same about me and Lois.
SUPERMAN: [Doesn't find the humor in that statement]
CAT: It's because he's so small.
SUPERMAN: Oh, I get it now. Poor fellow. clap

Superman announced his unsupermanliness on an open mike?
LEX: Yes, he said that he loved Lois. Can't get less manly than a whipped hero, can you?
LOIS: /fans self/ I don't know. I thought he was *very* manly.

CLARK: With Luthor, you never know.
LEX: Shower sex? /shudders in disgust/
MRS. COX: No, he likes it dirty.

LEX: She's lucky it's not hunting season.
NIGEL: Duck season.
ASABI: Rabbit season
ER: Yeah, but she qualifies as a fawn, doesn’t she?
LEX: /brings out crossbow/ Lois, my *dear*, it's hunting season.

LOIS: The only thing I'm crushing is the antacids for the sour stomach you cause me.
LEX: /pulls out sheet of paper/ I have a doctor’s signed affidavit that I’m very healthy and do not cause sour stomachs.
So, he's infertile?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.