Wow, thanks everyone ... I'm thoroughly delighted by such wonderful feedback. smile

I'll be back to respond in more detail later, but I wanted to mention to those who have read the story that I've added several paragraphs to one of the scenes. I received private feedback from someone who thought Lois's expectations of Clark's reaction needed a bit more explanation, and I was able to work it in in a way that I hope will add to the scene. For those who have read already, there are seven new paragraphs (some including single lines of dialogue) beginning with this text:

Clark sighed as he looked into her eyes. Her expression was regretful and she was clearly sorry for what she had put him through. Still ... "I just wish you'd have trusted me."

"I should have," she said, biting her lip. "I should have trusted you enough to just tell you. I know that now. But I was just ... scared."
It is almost exactly halfway through the story, just as L&C arrive on the farmhouse porch, but before they enter the house. If you do reread, I would welcome any comments -- positive or negative -- on the addition, either here or in private email. smile

Oh, and Maria, about the ring finger ... in the US, Americans count starting with their pointer finger. So Americans consider the ring finger to be the third finger (the one we count "three" on) on the left hand. Hope that makes more sense for you. smile

Thanks again, everyone ... I am enjoying reading your comments immensely. smile
