Kathy, this is simply beautiful. I think that if I was going to start quoting my favorite parts, I would pull out almost every single thing.

But I do have to quote this:
Clark took a shaky breath. Who was he kidding? His heart would shatter into a million pieces and he would never be the same again.
My poor Clark!! Already you had me in tears and they hadn't even started their conversation yet!

I've enjoyed reading over the comments folder before posting. I had noticed the fact that it rained (ending the hot "uncomfortable" weather) right after the "major" issue was cleared up between them, but some of the minor nuances that Pam pointed out I had missed. I love seeing what others pick up on smile

And the proposal was so sweet and waffy and then when I read this
"Researched?" he whispered. When she nodded, his mouth twisted and he found he had to blink back tears. He took her hand and placed it on her belly, then covered it with his own. "Lois ... you *do* want this baby."

She met his gaze, her eyes damp as well. "How could I not?" she whispered back. "It's part of you."

Clark opened his mouth to speak, but his emotions got the better of him. Still, as he stretched himself alongside her and brought his mouth to hers, it was clear there was no need for words. The joy on his face said it all.
I just melted - what's the phrase that people use? - into a puddle of goo. mecry

Truly marvelous story. Thank you.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5