This might have been fluff, but I like it. Also, it has great possibilities. If you ever do another in this timeline, I want to read it. I think it could be fun to see what kind of strange twists and turns a Lois and Clark event could take when Lois has foreknowledge of it, and so they take the other choice. Things might become very interesting then, because once they make a different choice than they did in the original timeline, Lois wouldn't be able to predict the outcome.

Don't do Dark Bob. I don't like dark stories that end badly. If I hadn't been introduced to stories that ended right by my dad when I was in first grade, I never would have learned to read well because I won't read the ones with bad endings. There are too many dark stories in real life and on the evening news. I read to have fun, not to feel bad.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.