A lot had changed in the 124 years she’d been on this planet.

She’d been feeling death hovering nearby for several weeks now.

She was surprised that anyone could be here without Clark having introduced them, but once she past the century mark, she’d learned not to worry about things beyond her control.
<is hearing alarm bells>

“Actually, I’m here to help you. Do you remember a… person who calls himself Myxzptlk?”
<alarm bells now have read, flashing lights to go with them>

“Yes, you see I come from a place very similar to that of Myxzptlk.” She paused as if to consider her words. “You remember that he describes himself as coming from the 5th dimension?”
<bites fingernails>

“You can think of me as coming from the 6th dimension. I have similar abilities as Myxzptlk, but I’m far more powerful.”
Oh no!

Despite her long years, she still had trouble tolerating people that would not get to the point.
There's our Lois!

“We allowed him to interfere because of the benefit to your plane, but we felt that we owed you a small measure of compensation for the challenges you were forced to endure.”

Ellie turned to face her. “Haven’t you wondered why Clark hasn’t interrupted us? With his hearing you know he’d be concerned about a stranger appearing in your room.”
Very good point!

“Then I don’t want to go at all,” Lois insisted. “I won’t risk hurting Clark or my family. If my presence will change the future, who knows what damage I might cause?”
<Nods> Butterfly effect and all of that.

Lois considered for a long moment. “How about…”
When Perry hires Clark?

“And Luthor? Do you love him?” Clark asked in an accusatory tone.

“Clark, the truth is that you’ve been too good and too close every day for me to notice what was happening. I’ve been slowly falling in love with you too. I think I first felt it when we were chained together waiting to die at EPRAD. I didn’t see it then, but I’m sure that’s when it started.”

But it wouldn’t do for anyone to see Clark start to float as a result of their kiss.
Always looking out for him. smile

“Clark, I would sooner die than hurt you. I promise that I will never reveal what I know. I said that I love you and I mean it more than you can understand.”

It had been amazing the first time around. She was going to make sure that this time was even better.
Awwww! So WAFFy! I was worried about Ellie's intentions at first, but I'm so happy that Lois and Clark get a second life together. smile

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon