Hi everyone. Obviously this was a little fluff piece. As I said, I had just finished watching the Myx episode when I saw the do-over challenge. Since the whole point of Myx’s attack was that do-overs were bad, I got the idea to tie this to him.

With her inside knowledge they will be the hottest-team-in-town in no time at all
You know, this could make for an interesting long story. Imagine talking this concept but expanding on it. What parts are right and what parts change due to those time ripples. It would be interesting to see Lois dealing with situations that she remembers but now have them turn out differently.

I was worried at first that Ella was Myxy in disguise and he/she would transport Lois into the past just to cause havoc
I considered such a story but only for the briefest moment.

Deadly Chakram
Awwww! So WAFFy! I was worried about Ellie's intentions at first, but I'm so happy that Lois and Clark get a second life together.
I guess I need to consider stepping back from the over-the-top WAFFY stories.

Right after I posted this I went and looked at the “Winter Holliday Challenge” list and I have an exceptionally dark story based on “Family gathering”. I may write it this weekend and let everyone get a glimpse of Dark Bob. If I write it, it would have to carry a “this story does not end well” warning. Not sure I’ll put it on paper though. Any story that fails the, “Would I want to read it?” test is a good candidate to stay in the dark place those stories lurk.

Queen of the Capes:
a little further forward than S4. / A little?!
smile Just like Ellie gave Lois a “small measure of compensation”

I’m glad you enjoyed the story.

Thank you all for your feedback.