He what?
Bender sent over forms for Lois to sign, stating that she knew that Lex shooting her was an accident and that she wasn't going to sue him for all the money in his legal accounts. <<Hence why Lex would be stupid to out her to Toni>>

And poor Sheldon was already down to one…before.
BENDER: That's okay. I wasn't really using them anyway. whinging

SOPHIE: <The new bitch makes one song of googley eyes at him and he already invites her. I had to basically pop out of my dress before he even considered throwing a rose in my direction. The *bitch*!>

Joined-at-the-hip fraternal twins?
No, she had that with Johnny. Something slightly different with Lex.

It was an *accident*!
So, Lois wouldn't aim at him EITHER.

That’s mean, since his live-feed’s now broken.
LOIS: Private means, my life. Public, everyone else's lives.

Planted the bugs in her apartment?
LEX: Actually, I'm quite proud of that.

Like she doesn’t do that all the time?
LOIS: This is different! He's trying to put a chink in Clark's armor.

Maybe if Lex made her think that there’s a giant secret to be found inside his bed?
LEX: Hmmmmm. [Linked Image]

Let’s see… Ex-wife, no. Ex-fiancée, yes. Wife. Check. Children. No. VD. Possibly. If she gets pregnant, she might experience certain things… Killed. Huh. Not yet. Terrorist. Yes, according to future timetravelers. Sexual Predator. Considering his obsession with Loises, possibly. Only good thing is that no profiler would ever be able to establish the pattern.
Interesting summation. I especially like the last one.

Oops? Only, Superman trusts Clark, so would a lack of a paper trail be proof enough?
Only to get her started down that path.

Oh boy. So, her ardor has been shock-frozen now?
CLARK: NOooooooooooooooo!

No, Lois. He’s not sleeping with you and you had been on the menu, so…
LEX: You don't have a whore fantasy? Strange it says so in your profile. Hmmmmm. Oh, wait, it says DOESN'T have a whore fantasy. Pity.

Umm…how does that work? It’s not like she would have consented…
[Linked Image] He's lying.

LEX: I had to tell her about Kent, and then I thought she'd want to cry on my shoulder afterwards in the privacy of my apartment. She'd forget her silly little story on the Metros. So win-win!

Oooooh! Did you ever read Matthew Stover’s Traitor? It’s got such wonderful musings on truths vs. lies and their subjective-ness.
No. I don't have time to read anything but fanfic and FDK at the moment.

But he bought you for the entire night! What if he marks ‘dissatisfactory service’ on your review card?
LOIS: I'll sue his butt off.

Like that would have worked great for her maintaining her cover Lois really isn’t thinking straight, is she?
Anger doesn't always make one coherent.

Oh Lois! That one was an overreaction. He only maintained your cover.
Potato / tomato.

Well…he didn’t touch her, so…no? Also, Clark sure is attuned to his ikran, isn’t he?
Clark doesn't know that Lex didn't touch her. What's a Ikran?

*That* would have been fun to see.
If only they had one more night before the Toasters burnt down the West River district.

He just tried for a nightcap after a hard day at the club.
LEX: Nightcap leads to tipsiness, leads to kissing, leads to bed.

Maybe he should explain this to Lois. Only, he probably should refrain from the use of the words ‘let’ or ‘allow’ or anything of the like. Actually, had Lois known beforehand, she would still have gone.
Going in knowing what's going on is one thing. She was hung out to dry.

That might have worked.
CLARK: Hindsight is sadly twenty-twenty.

You never know.
LOIS: I know.

As opposed to what? Stuff her into a barrel afterwards?
I thought the barrel dress went out of fashion in the 30's.

Oh dear. Can you imagine Clark buying her a bouquet of red roses for their anniversary?
Not recommended.

This night wasn’t turning out at all how he had hoped.

I’ll say
Oh, dear. Upsetting the balance between the ER and UST.

Hey! /taps foot/
It's up now.

/starts campaign on sticking to the posting schedule/
Hey, I could have taken the week off again.

Okay, I'm crashing already. mecry More FDK responses tomorrow.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.