Virginia! hyper

Let me guess (as you know I love to)... she had her talk with Danny boy, broke his heart despite him wanting her to do other things to him. She finally gets rid of him, takes long hot shower where she scrubs off the Scardino stench and then heads over to Clark's, which is where she is when she gets attacked and shot by ??? (Bill Church, Lex Luthor, Zara, random thug?) and left to die. Luckily SM/CK found her and got her to hospital. I'm guessing she's got some recovery time in front of her, which she'll be able to get done with her live-in help, Agent Scardino.
Close. She went to Clark's and found him not home. So she was going back home when she was shot. Who? I don't wanna say yet.

No? He's not going to play on her blocked memories to tell her that they are engaged to be married? Right one-parter. Hmmmm. How about super nurse/partner CK? Will she forgive him for being a lunkhead and take him back? Maybe. But he was off being a hero (or moping, take your pick) instead of her 24/7 bodyguard. Maybe she WON'T forgive him. Maybe she'll say 'screw this, I'm joining a nunnery!'
Lois is joining a brothel???? Nunnery = brothel, convent = place where nuns live. (Thank you, high school Shakespeare!)

Will she take Clark back? You'll see.

Nah, but it's late and my brain is working on... nothing at the moment. Hmmm. Good indepth look into Clark's psyche at this privotal juncture. Can you please have Lois recover and live happily ever after without ever getting frozen?
Maybe? laugh Glad you liked the peek into Clark's mind. I love writing stories like that.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon