Good story. I like the exploration of Clark as a fallible human with doubts about himself, about Lois, about whether he deserves to receive her love, about Scardino's suitability as a husband for Lois - why didn't he ask her about it?!? - about continuing to live in Metropolis, about continuing as Superman. I'm certain he and Lois will settle those questions and more when she wakes up.

I know my next questions aren't part of the main theme here, but I want to know who shot her and why! Where was Dan? Why wasn't he protecting her? (And I bet he wouldn't go all moody Danish prince if she got shot when he wasn't there!) What was Lois doing, chasing a story or just walking off her own confusion?

And possibly most important - does she now know The Secret? Next most important - will she slap him out of his doldrums?

I'm watching for the second story with my glasses on, otherwise I wouldn't be able to read it.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing