I've been intending to come back and respond to all your kind, wonderful comments for several days now. But then each time I'd see that more people had posted, so I thought I'd leave it just a bit longer, just in case... and now I have so many comments that I'm amazed! goofy </i>

I'm so glad that you enjoyed your cameos and even laughed at my little jokes. José, Cris, sorry for teasing you just a little - Cris, don't worry, José denied everything! wink

The serious point, however, is writers' gratitude to all of you who send us feedback, by whatever route. We can't always find the words to express what it means to us, and sometimes it may take us too long to say it. But, as Lois says in the story, you make everything we do worthwhile.

Thank you all. And, whatever festival you celebrate in the coming weeks, I wish you peace, happiness and a darned good rest! wink

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*