
Thanks Wendy!!

But I'd like to add many thanks to all the people that makes a story see the light, nagging, helping with suggestions, as well as the BRs and of course all the wonderful writers that are out there laugh

“There are so many more, too. Carolyn’s in Peru. Raquel’s from Brazil. There’s José in Spain, who writes very regularly - actually, he’s one of the few men who writes to us. And Cristina too - she’s also Spanish. I’m not sure, but I think she and José might have something going on.” He grinned.
What's this? eek

Here too? :rolleyes:

Jose :p

"Practice up your shielding spells...and remember to duck if you see green light coming your way."

Harry Potter to Wizengamot in OotP trial

A Bad Week in the Wizengamot