OK, it's official. Wendy is hereby dubbed "Queen of Fabulous".

What a wonderful, sweet thing. Thank you so much, Wendy, for putting into words exactly what I would want to say to all of the FoLC's out there who read our stories and take the time to post feedback.

I can honestly say that I attribute this message board for launching my writing career - wherever that ends up taking me. I scrounged up the courage to post my first ever story right on these boards, having shared it with absolutely no one except myself. And because of the wonderful support I received, I gained the confidence to really spread my wings and try to make a go of writing.

So thank you. For the friendly place to hang out. For the wonderful people I've met from all over a world that I've discovered is so much more alike than it is different.

You all are the greatest!

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah