Michael: I have no idea what you're talking about. I was always led to believe that length was very much appreciated on the fanfic boards. <<cough>> FDK length, of course. wink

actually, is he a doormat/elevator combo?
Currently a doormate/esculator combo.

Yeah. He’s a bit sloooow. I’m not sure Forrest Gump wouldn’t have knocked the lights out of Lex in the same situation.
Didn't Forrest defend Jenny's honor?

I thought his mother fed them corn and stuff?
Bugs and worms too.

Ah, okay. *Spaceship* Earth. So, the really obvious one. (I think, I forgot they called it the Spaceship Earth.)
Sorry, not all of my subtlety is obvious.

/nods/ She has to get acclimated in the first week. Either that, or she gets kidnapped by the merchants on her first donut trip and it takes her two weeks to crack the thing wide open.
Didn't that happen in a fic? I want to say Erin Klinger's The Long Road Home but I could be wrong.

/cough/ Prometheus was the space station. The second shuttle didn’t have a name, I think. Well, it wasn’t mentioned.
[Linked Image] <- This picture that didn't show up is from the Loisandclarkarchive of the Prometheus shuttle with the word "Prometheus" written down the side.

Aaaahhh… Yes, wet women in tight bathing suits have frequently been used for visual support in movies.
Um... isn't that because it works?

Yes, and a helplessly bobbing around Clark-balloon talking gibberish and leaving a saliva trail would be very embarrassing for her.
A flaw! He's human.

Teenage Clarks make for the most adorable fun!
Don't they? Young, handsome, and not in control of themselves. Lots of fun. I hear they even made a whole series (or two) about him.

Are you talking literal or figurative?
Literal blood in the form of living, viral young men from out of town, not bags of blood. Otherwise, poor Cat would be left to dating her cousins.

Always have an isodrink at hand during endurance sports.

Hmm… I think that’s a trick question. ‘hurting her feelings’?
evil The age old question. What will a man sacrifice of himself to please a woman?

And Rachel!
Actually, Rachel returned to the hotel to look for Clark, which is why Clark and Pete were able to have such a free conversation about women, and what in the world to do about them.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.