A quick comment to Vicki.

I smiled when I read your first comment because I thought I had slipped something past you (which isn't easy to do!!)

Then, I noticed you'd left another comment, and I read this ...

I wasn't expecting this change in topic, either. Especially since I know something Clark doesn't. It makes me wonder. Surely it's significant. She has just figured out the CK=S, and the first thing she does is to apologize for leaving so abruptly? Hmmm.
To answer you, yes it's significant. laugh

OK, so the change in topic was to discuss her trip to visit her mom. Am I reading this right? Lois doesn't want to be an angry, bitter woman like her mom? Is Lois trying to let him know that he doesn't need to worry about her reaction to the secret? Is she trying to tell him she's not going to get angry and fight with him about this? Well, I'll know the answer to this question in good time. Hopefully, not *that* much time. Soon? Please?
Yes, most of that is true, but it's not the reason why Lois brought up *that* topic right then.

And as for knowing the answer eventually, it's not there in 15 at present, but I've had it there and taken it out a couple of times. At present, I'm leaning towards putting it in. I'll post the part within the next 24 hours, so you have until then to try to work out why Lois started talking about her mom. laugh

Oh, and clap clap for realising there had to be a reason for Lois's rather strange behaviour.
