Hi Michael: More FDK! hyper

Wouldn’t it be a fun twist (for us) if she got canned and had to go and work for the Star? Or marry Lex so she can get a job at LNN as the new nekid weather girl in the two o’clock weather forcast.
Yes, but she's Perry's darling so that's not going to happen.

How about that they wouldn’t accept her offer of a threesome?
There are some things that the Memphis Yodeler doesn't want to know.

They would join Cat, but only if Jimmy got to come too, so he could finally lay with his second cousin. And Perry wouldn’t have the poor lad corrupted like that.
What? Jimmy doesn't get a say in the matter? He's over 18.

But his power kind of turns people into plasma. Like it happens during a nuclear blast. It only leaves behind a smidgen on the ground.
I don't know, that guy that Nor dissentigrated (or was it Nor's flunky?) in Smallville looked more ashy than plasma-y.

So, Clark just sexually harassed Lois and Lois just committed a felony assault on Clark. And Perry is just sitting there, kindly chastising her instead of handing both of them their walking papers? Also, awesome dialogue.
Thank you. And how did Clark sexually harass Lois, again? He just repeated what she told him back to her.

Well, ever since the late nineties, romances between the heroine and a dead guy have been just the rage. Looks like they all just ripped off Lois and Clark.
Well, Edward always did remind me of younger, blonder, less muscular Clark with a penchant for dark days and fresh meat.

Clark stole the article from Lois?
Now, there would have been a twist.

Could he really get her fired like that?
This isn't a gun-running story, Michael. Anyway, first offense.

And here I thought Superman *rescues* people from busses.
He's a bit different from canon Clark.

Lana was right. Maybe he should go and apologize. Maybe just to this dimension’s Lana since his own version’s presently not available. Hope she’s not cuckoo.
Lana doesn't want him now!

Yeah, what are the odds of that? /goes and puts year’s salary on them not figuring it out/ I hear the odds are 50:1 against me. /starts counting money/
clap He's slow.

There’s a fine line between bending and breaking. So fine, you can’t really see it any longer from where Lois is usually standing when she picks a lock.
He's thinking more serious laws.

Like she’d believe a pathetic liar.
But it's a wise man who doesn't say "I'm Superman" when there's a bunch of Superman hunting suits in the next room.

Awwww. And she *is*! Well, actually, she *claims* to never have stolen a story before Superman. But, do we really believe her?
[Linked Image]

Duh! Otherwise the bad guys would just have to tell a joke and shoot the agents while they’re laughing.
Good point. clap

Hey, at least Clark now knows that she’s not just after the way he looks in those speedos.
Um, Michael, the machine just said she was lying about having a 'romantic attachment' to Superman. That COULD mean "the hots".

Superman needs a cab license if he is to transport another person from point A to point B.
It's early days yet.

“Define ‘sexual relations’.”
Because if you mean 'sexual fantasies' then that's a yes, 100%. If not, then 'no.'

“I did not have sexual relations with this man.”
clap (Oh, you caught that reference, did you?)

Hit a nerve there, huh?

Oh boy. /imagines frontpage of the National Whisper: “Daily Trollop seduces alien visitor”/
Oh, dear. Randy Goode is going to have a field day, isn't he?

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.