if she wasn’t consciously trying not to think of Samuel Platt sitting dead in his armchair.

Damn! The image popped into her head again. She needed something to distract her quick.

Lois knocked on Clark’s door and he opened it a second later, dressed – or undressed as the case dictated – in only a towel wrapped around his hips.

Clark’s muscle tone was well defined, very well defined, and there were a lot of them to boot, muscles upon naked muscles.

“That will do nicely,” she murmured to herself as Clark’s semi-naked body pushed the thoughts of Platt’s dead body completely out of her mind.
clap Is he really going to be able to wait and make his debut at the launch?

And, to be perfectly candid, I believe Kool-Aid could . If you get jacked up on enough of it, it could make you do some crazy stuff. Nevertheless, I'm still going to drink it as long as it's cheap and I have the required cup of sugar. wink (At least I don't drink soda- Kool-Aid and tea it is for me laugh )

Can't wait to read more on Thursday!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain