Hey Virginia,

I'm not sure how important it is. I think I might be making a mountain out of a molehill. I'm really, REALLY enjoying the story.

*Edited to add: I see now that my post immediately follows one about mountains. This post is _not_ about mountains or molehills. It's about the Kents. wink

However, since you asked: the last line about "you must mean someone with the first name Kent" didn't make sense to me. Even if Lois did mean Kent as a first name, Maisie would know *that* Kent, too. She knows EVERYONE in town, so it makes not difference. Either there is a missing Smallville Kent or there isn't. And as far as Maisie is concerned, there isn't.

Also, the "I don't know any Kent" line struck me odd, because she DOES know _two_ Kents. Maybe "I don't know any missing Kents"?

Now, if there's a reason you don't want her to think of M&J at all at first (and Ken and I agree she would normally *immediately* think of them), you can give her an excuse for thinking Kent is a first name. Something along the lines of "Well, Kent Johnson went away to college 5 years ago and hasn't been back since. You don't mean him, do you?" or "There's Kent Johnson, but he's not missing; I just spoke with him yesterday."

Or, just leave it. I think maybe the fact that it's the very end of a sort of cliff-hanger ending to this chapter might have given it more significance in my mind than it deserves. Probably when it's in the archives, people will read along to whatever follows in Chapter 14 without giving it a second thought.

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster