The tone of her voice was just a shade too breezily casual to be a simple question.
I could *so* hear her voice too. laugh

In truth, he would have happily painted her entire apartment just to be able to spend that much time with her, but he didn't want her to know he was that big of a pushover.
Psst! Clark! She already knows that. wink

"Done?" Lois looked like that question had stung her. "I don't need anything done. Can't I ask you to hang out with me without it being an imposition?"
Ummm...yeah, Lois, when you ask in *that* tone you want something.

"How would you like to go see a movie with me?"
Date? hyper

He couldn't stop himself from making a face as he repeated, "Movie?"
Or not.

"That movie. In fact, it's the premiere. They sent me free tickets and arranged for a limo and everything. I wasn't going to go until I heard that Linda isn't playing me after all. Apparently she barely got a speaking role. I guess she's one of the people in the elevator that Superman rescued. The thought of her humiliation is just too tempting to pass up. God, I hope she squirms"
SO like her to go just to gloat! laugh

If the advance reviews were accurate, bad acting, terrible special effects and the insertion of a terrorist subplot involving the ambassador from Omir overshadowed any intrigue the movie might have had.

"You should wipe that lipstick off your face before it leaves a scorch mark."
Oooh! I quite like this!

"You should wipe that lipstick off your face before it leaves a scorch mark."
OMG! She went to the bathroom during the movie and was replaced by a clone! eek

It was only after he had rapped lightly on her window that common sense kicked in and told him that this might be a bad idea.

Her eyes narrowed and he wondered if he was being indicted for a crime he hadn't committed.

For a split second Clark panicked as he realized he had just given specifics about a movie he supposedly hadn't seen.
I was about to say...

Lois had thrown herself at Superman on more than one occasion but apparently the irony was lost on her.
Yeah, but that's okay by her since it's *her*. <grin>

Lois stood up straighter. "What is your type?" she asked quietly.

Clark hesitated. There was a very clear line here and he was just as clearly about to cross it. "I think you already know."
Danger! Danger!

<sirens start to go Whoop! Whoop!>

Clark took a step closer to her, close enough now that they were almost touching. "If Superman could have a girlfriend, it would be you."
Danger! Danger!

<sirens start to go Whoop! Whoop!>

"Maybe you already are."

Their new proximity had him breathlessly aware of her and that form-fitting dress.
And that the suit hides *nothing*.

Clark realized that if he touched her again now he wouldn't stop. Not ever.
<checks board heading>

Darn. G-fic.

She'd push him backwards out the window if she knew the truth.

"Do you love me?"

Clark took a deep breath, steadying himself against the weight of the words he was about to say. He looked into her eyes, willing her to understand these were the truest words he'd ever tell her. "I love you."
<jaw hangs slack>

But...but...Oh Clark, you're screwing this up for your normal self, aren't you?

"And there's that whole truth I'd have to tell you first." It suddenly felt very important that she know the truth -- the whole truth.

Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard. "What if I already know the whole truth?"

"Shh." Her fingers moved, caressing softly over his cheek. "I told you that lipstick was never going to come off."

Awesome! Oh Lois, you're evil for toying with Clark. But, I *so* approve of it!

<runs off to read the other segment of this>

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon