Oh my goodness! I was tied up all day yesterday in meetings and it was killing me that I couldn't come check the site compulsively. And now look! New FDK! Yet again I have been spared the lesson about not getting my hopes up. :p

Virginia - Deadline - I like it! I'll credit you appropriately - thanks!

Ken - No worries! I don't trust my smart phone to do lots of things. I've tried pulling up the site on it, but once I expand it enough to be able to read it's a huge pain to try and navigate around. I'm not sure I'd dare trying to create a post. smile I'm glad you liked the story and delighted to hear that you'd forgotten about the lipstick. I think stories are a lot more fun when they surprise you.

Michael - Holy hell!!! sloppy

Jackie - Hopefully you know by now that I'm always happy to see something from you, too!

Joy - Thank you!

Caincrazy - lol I've done that before myself - read a story and gone 'huh?' at the end because I was on auto-pilot. I'm glad you gave it a second read. laugh

Elizabeth - I'm still polishing the other story. I wasn't able to do much Monday night or yesterday, but this afternoon is looking good for me. smile

Jen - Thanks! I'm glad you forgot about the lipstick and that you liked the story.

Vicki - There you are! Don't think your absence went unnoticed. I figured you were caught up in RL stuff and I never know whether to shoot off an email or not.
Her eyes narrowed and he wondered if he was being indicted for a crime he hadn't committed.
The first time around, I took this at face value. I thought the crime was kissing Linda, and Superman had been unjustly accused. The second time around, I read it differently. Clark is guilty as charged.
That is exactly what I was going for!
I wasn't quite sure when she figured it out, though. Part of me even suspected that she knew all along, because she seemed almost curt with Clark on the way back from the theater. <snip> As I read it the second time around, I was thinking to myself that I'd give anything to be able to get inside Lois's head.
Her curtness will be explained. And you'll get to see the movie, the ride home and then the aftermath from Lois' perspective.

Thanks to everyone whose posted comments. If you knew just how much that meant to me, you might think I was pathetic. I'm kidding. You'd definitely think I was pathetic. blush

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis