Well… I wouldn’t call it a privilege, per se. According to the scrolls, it’s actually more of a sacred duty for a Noble Lord to bestow himself on the lesser ladies.
So...Kal's a *heathen*?

He really does want a riot, doesn’t he?
It helps garner the women's votes tho...Oooh...wait. wink

It’s not cheating if it’s sanctioned by the law and the wife’s informed. Kal really doesn’t fit into Kryptonian society, huh?
Noep. hyper

On Sunday? This Sunday? Yes, please? Pretty please?
Nope, evil author, remember...Oh crud. The black SUVs just found my parents' house where I am currently staying for the holiday...


Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon