Getting To Know You...Getting To Know All About You
Huh. Sounds dirty. Well, I guess we’ve got the D.E. Act requirement fulfilled.

He'd thought for sure that Lois would be asleep by now.
Tough luck.

The hotter the water, the cleaner he felt.
Yes. He talked with Lois. And with her potty mouth, he must feel dirtier than the time Jay tricked him into diving into the palace’s septic tank. And it *was* a mean trick. Betting him he’d rather take the dive than do whatever legal thing Jai could come up with. Too bad that Jai told Kal to make Catira happy.

He was pretty sure that he hadn't done anything wrong, at least not today.
He’s breathing, is he not?

He'd barely even had time to say two words to Lois.
See? He said *two* *whole* words* to Lois. See? He *only* said two words to Lois all day.

Unless...was she angry that he'd chosen to go with Jai earlier when she'd tried to talk with him?
Nah. Couldn’t be.

Lois hadn't actually sounded mad.
Red alert! Red alert! It’s always the quiet ones that hurt the most.

She hadn't commanded him to speak with her.

She hadn't demanded that he sit down and talk right as he got back into the chambers.
He was sweaty and half-naked. Of *course*, she wanted him cleaned up and dressed again. Can’t have him stain the upholstery with his stinkin’ man sweat.

She had said please.
They replaced her. Jai and Ching cloned her and *replaced* her!

It was almost enough to make Kal hopeful that maybe he wasn't going to be subjected to another one of Lois' verbal assaults.

Kal lingered in the shower as long as he could,
Am sure Lois is *not* going to wonder what he’s doing in there. Or why he left the Play Kryptonian issue lying around in there.

then slowly dried, shaved,
My my, he does want to make a good 120th impression.

He fixed Lois' cup first, remembering how she had made it on their first morning together.
Oh deary!

. She'd never varied the amounts of sugar and cream, so he felt confident enough to make her drink for her.
Yes, but she never took one in the evening. He doesn’t know she likes an extra spoon at night.

"Come sit on the couch with me?" She patted the empty cushion next to her. "Please?"
Danger! Danger! Did you count your kitchen knives yet?

"It's perfect."

"Look, Lois...I'm sorry,"
Always a good way to start the conversation with Lois.

"Kal," Lois said again, effectively silencing the prince. "You don't need to apologize."

"I don't?"
“No, silly. I switched the sugar with rat poison and thinned the whole milk with laxative. I’m really looking forward to how this turns out.”

"No," she said. "If anything, I'm the one who should be apologizing.
But… But… But… Lois never apologizes. She’s *always* right. They really replaced her eek And with a defective clone, too!

"Sure I have," Lois said. "I've been horrible to you.
No, honey. You’ve just had a couple bad months. It happens to every bitca once in a while.

It's just...this marriage...this whole situation...I haven't taken to it very well."
“I really couldn’t tell.”

"Is it really that bad being married to me?" Kal asked in a small voice.
What do *you* think?

"It hasn't been ideal,"
Master of the understatement.

She returned his smile with a small one of her own,

In fact, I'd always hoped that the woman I'd end up marrying would have a mind of her own.
Makes for a more lively marriage. And makeup sex?

You have no idea how boring it is being around noble young women who are more interested in playing the part of a proper young lady than in showing any sort of real personality.
But…But…But that’s not *proper*!

"And, for the record, I have no use for a woman who sews," he added in a teasing tone.
Yes. He got servants for that.

"Now, a woman who will accompany me for a run, or out horseback riding,
Yes. More fun than having Jai with him. Especially when he’s skinny dipping in one of the many ponds and fountains in the extensive palace gardens.

"You're taking awfully well to the fact that I've just admitted to being the black sheep of the Lyne family," Lois said, though she could not hide her grin.
You take what you’re given…

Well, at least, I did, a lot more than Luci did."
Probably a wise choice. Probably hurts the business if Luci acts out while she’s entertaining.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.