Originally posted by angelsgmaw:
Well, we are seeing the melting of Polar Ice Cap Lois. Make sure there is an extra pan at the end of the story to catch all the dripping water from this chapter.

What a gentle chapter after the explosions of the past 7 chapters. The only thing you left out was Fasa waiting on Lois' lap for his Daddy to come back out of the shower. If Lois makes friends with Fasa, and he tells Kal it is okay for the wife to be included in their little family, I can see the church bells begin to ring and the kingdom of Krypton having a celebration of the wedded bliss of its crown prince and the wife he was given. Anyway, Kal seems to be getting stars in his eyes about the wife that he was joined with months ago.

Enjoying the good stuff! Will enjoy this even more when they decide to act like a loving couple!

Hi Pat! wave

Thank you!

Lovey-dovey stuff to come pretty soon. Glad you liked this one. Lots of melting going on - almost short circuited my laptop with all the meltiness! wink

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon