Lois is in a terrible situation. Imagine for an instance that you are an intelligent young woman living in a male-dominated society where your wishes and thoughts are rarely if ever considered. Throw in a social climbing Father who has figured out a way to make the family name (and coffers) great. Only one little catch - your freedom.
Yes. Terrible for both of them, really. Neither one gets a choice in the matter, but definitely worse for Lois. She could have been sold in marriage to some creep. At least she wound up with a nice guy.

So of course she is angry, hurt, confused and a little frightened. Father is no longer around, so you lash out at your new husband. Of course its not right, but it is totally understandable.
Right. He's her only available target. frown

Kal is being very noble about this, trying to soothe his Bride in the manner of a gentleman, so let's just watch and wait to see how matters unfold.

I'm hoping we don't have to wait too long!
I promise not to drag it out and torture you (and the characters) any longer than necessary. smile

Now, regarding brother Jai. That lad concerns me, if he isn't taken into hand soon his life will be only about concubines and having a good time. His brothers treat him with good natured love of older brothers, but he might be a time bomb waiting to happen. The title of half-prince cannot be an easy one to bear. Just an observation...
Well, except for the concubines part, he's a decent guy. Definitely more of the partier, but that's only because he knows he'll never have any real power under the laws as a half-prince.

More to come on Sunday! laugh

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon