It's hard... er... difficult to be sympathetic with Lois. She should direct her anger at her father. He was the one who planned the whole thing and cornered Jor-El, using his son's life to blackmail him. razz Jor-El had no choice; between accepting a birth marriage and letting his son die, what could he do? grumble Or is she feeling scorned because Kal didn't take what was rightfully his? She was a lamb until he told her to get dressed. wink Then she morphed into the Queen Bitch. cat

Kal should stop apologizing and show Lois he is a prince and not a door-mat. If his nice attitude is not getting him anywhere it's time to change tactics and give back some of her venom. devil


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15