Does it count to say ‘read it first (probably)’? But since work starts in the morning too, FDK kind of has to wait blush

Little known fact: After Jai turned 18, Krypton experienced a shortage in concubines for anyone who wasn't of the royal house.
Actually, I knew that, too…

And since I'll beat Michael to the punch (fist pump to the air):
Again. Mid-morning. Workday. clap

Now, regrow your spine and get back in there!
I’m not sure Lois would react favorably to him standing up when he’s in her vicinity. Ugh-uh.

Umm… I think I just FDK-FDK’d there. Oops?

The Honey-Boom Stage
clap So, we’re talking about a big boom covered in honey which Kal is presenting on a stage for Lois’s entertainment?

He followed his usual routine of caring for his cat and getting himself ready for the day.
I’m just saying. You can read so much into so little.

He'd seen many of the Elders imbibe a bit too deeply at the wedding feast.
Well, first the wine, and then the concubine. After all, it’s not every day that the royal stock is open for the public.

He imagined that the case was the same for Jai;
Three concubines and a half-prince?

He feared to further fuel her anger with him.
He could try to stop breathing. That might placate her.

She had made it quite clear to him the night before that she wasn't in the least bit interested in being married to him.
Yes. But she *was* willing to jump into the sack with him. Andreia has quite a point there. Lois really wanted him. And he just didn’t partake. Poor girl. Hmm… Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

He strode from the chamber, leaving Lois to sleep.
He could have tried to cuddle?

Kal smiled as he finally caught sight of the man that he sought; an older man with graying hair and a drum of a belly.
clap So, they went to Kansas for hired help?

"It is. But you've not even been married a full twenty-four hours yet."
And already ticked off the old ball and chains really good. It might not be a record, but it’s close.

"Thanks, but I'd rather bring it up myself. I don't want Lois to see me as some spoiled little rich boy.
Umm… He *is* a spoiled big rich boy. And Lois probably won’t like that he’s that roughhewn.

Coffee he could make in his own small kitchenette within his chambers.
/shakes head/ You just got married. You now have a *wife* to order to make you coffee. Well, coffee with spit in it or something. But still… But the way he’s acting, he won’t get a solid foot down in this patriarchal nightmare of a society. Oh well… Celibacy is also a valid live choice.

Would Lois be awake? Would she think that he'd abandoned her in his rooms?
/wonders if she’s thought that and has run off to look around the palace. Or is naked in the shower…

He poked his head into the bedroom, but Lois was still asleep; only the top of her head was visible beneath the sheets.

Lois groaned. "We're still married, aren't we?"
Well, unless you’ve been downgraded to concubine, yeah.

"Yes..." he ventured, hesitantly.

"Then there's nothing good about it."
Ouch. Did not see that one coming.

I brought us some breakfast."
Translation from Lois’s thoughts: “Oh great. I really got the bum prince.”

"So...what? Am I not good enough to join everyone in the main dining room? Are you that ashamed of being married to me? Just what is it with you? You know, I thought my father was bad, but at least he allowed me to dine with other people. This is just plain insulting! Kept locked out of sight like I'm some sort of animal or something!"

He felt certain that if he said anything, he'd inadvertently offend Lois again.
He’s there in the room. She’s offended. How much worse can it get?

Stupid question.

"Can I pour you a cup of coffee?" he asked, doing his best not to let his nervousness show.

He watched as she took the mug and prepared the drink, committing the amounts of sugar and cream to memory. In the future, perhaps he would surprise her by preparing her coffee for her in advance.
/waits for her to blow up over how he’s patronizing her/

"What's done is done. For better or worse, we're stuck together.
shock /must resist/ Oh, what the Kal’s marriage. It’s *not* done. It’s really ‘worse’. And they’re *not* stuck together. Which is the main problem most likely. Hmm… On second thought. /gets out pair of handcuffs and tries to cuff them together

All we have to do is keep up this facade until we can figure out some way of getting out of this thing."
Good luck with that. Keeping up the façade. Getting out of it. You pick. Doesn’t matter.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.