Yes, I understand the media circus reference but it's turning into media squating:
As Lois and Clark pushed their way down the steps leading to her apartment building to get their cab first thing the next morning, Lois glanced at the small park, kiddy-corner to her apartment. All sorts of temporary structures had been erected in a haphazard manner. Litter was scattered everywhere.
At least the reporters (again using the term loosely) can be fined (or arrested) for littering, squating, and I agree with Morgana B&E. Not that we'd want all reporters <<cough, cough, not L&C>> arrested for this kind of behavior, just when it goes past the pale.

she spotted Michelle Sitkowitz, a neighbor of hers, trying to make her way into the building and gave the woman an embarrassed smile. She cringed when Michelle met her smile with an annoyed glare.
I agree the tabloid media is being obnoxious but it's hardly L&C's fault!

Jimmy said. “Anyway, I left copies of all the papers I thought you might want to see on your desk.”
Jimmy's so sweet! Just what they wanted to see first thing in the morning. Double edge sword that one.

And, now, for the headlines:

‘You’re Under Arrest, Superman’
They were NOT arrested, but held for questioning. Big difference.

Kryptonian Birth Control
Ah... no. Earth birth control. It might (or might not) work for Kryptonians, but as it is a human/Earthling taking them. WRONG!

Superman Prefers Victoria’s Secret
<<cough>> Don't most men? <<cough>> What? Did they really think Lois wore Frederick's of Hollywood?

Superman’s Tushy Pampered With Super Soft Toilet Paper
People read this...?

Superman Lit La Version En Braille De Paris Bulletin
Foreign Press as well. At least, it's nice to know that the world is as trashy as us Americans.

Senior Kents Charm Reporters Out Of Smallville
Loving those "Senior" Kents.

Smallville Terrorizes Reporters
What? No article about how stupid tabloid reporters are? laugh

“Unfortunately, no. Dr. Grant never went home last night, so we couldn’t bring him in for questioning, and I didn’t have enough evidence to get a search warrant for CostMart. But... Well, I did have some of the boys staking out CostMart and... apparently they saw Dr. Grant leaving with an escort a few minutes ago. He was carrying one of those cooler things.”
Gee, if I'm held hostage for organ stealing, let's hope it's not in Metropolis! Thank you to the D.A. and judge that helped NOT save a man's life.

Not that the number of people out front had exactly diminished as a result of Eduardo’s article - although some of the more reputable news organizations seemed to have decreased the number of reporters they had covering it. Probably because Eduardo’s article was giving them serious second thoughts.
Good news! clap

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” The man who spoke was obviously the doctor. “This is a sterile room. We’re about to perform an operation. And get that dog out of here!”
I'm going to have to agree with Doc Grant, here; Hendserson let them into the operating room with Shadow? I thought they were supposed to wait outside?

“Besides, when we take this heart to our experts... What do you want to bet this heart has the same DNA as an escaped prisoner - Baby Rage? You didn’t think about the fact that we have his DNA on file, did you, Junior? When we prove that this is Baby Rage’s heart, not only will we have you on illegal organ distribution, we’ll have you for murder. Want to know what will knock Kent is Superman off the front page? ‘Billionaire Kills Man To Steal Heart.’”

In the background, Lois pulled out her notebook, wanting to write down that potential headline. She felt Clark jab her in the ribs.
Clark didn't agree on that headline? Or he thought it was tacky that Lois was taking notes? His motivation was lost on me here? confused

“Okay, so maybe Bill Church wasn’t the right guy for me,” Mindy said. “But I heard that Tim Lake was having some sort of minor procedure done on the third floor.”
Okay, no future Mrs. Church. Good luck getting past Amber Lake there, Mindy. "On Thursday, police found the body of what appears to be a young nurse dipped in plaster of paris and painted in a thin layer of 14K gold outside of the University of Metropolis Medicial School. It had been there since Monday, but it took the University three days to figure out that no statue had been ordered for the school."

“Since we were cheerleaders together,” a woman responded. On the screen behind them, a picture of a cheerleading squad could be seen - two pictures circled. One was a much younger version of the woman being interviewed. The other was a much younger version of Mayson Drake.
Mayson was a cheerleader? shock Really? Did not see that one coming!

Lois’ eyebrows rose as the woman continued talking. This was a change. It seemed she and Clark might no longer be the only ones under scrutiny. This could be... good. On the other hand, was this woman doing to Mayson what Claude had done to her?
Mayson slept with her cheerleading pal and then said pal, dumped her, stole something of Mayson's, and then reported the details of their love affair in a skin mag? Not quite the same there, Lane.

“So who are you?” Martha asked, taking in the short, fury one with a waggily tail who had risen from his sleeping spot next to Lois’ desk to check out the newcomers.
Do we have a wagging finger Graemlin? Clark! You have been back in Metropolis how long and you still haven't called Smallville! Shame! Shame.

“In a little while, I’ll be sending Jonathan and Clark out for groceries. Now, I know you all are going to be tempted to follow them. After all, watching two men shopping for groceries is so inherently interesting. But if you do that, it will keep them from getting back with what we need to prepare supper in a timely manner. And when I have my cooking interrupted, I get very cranky. So if you can refrain from following them, I promise to provide you with a copy of the recipes of the items I intend to make for supper.

“And, yes, for all of you wondering,” Martha continued, “I always make a homemade meal for my son at least once when I come to Metropolis. And now that’s he’s been lucky enough to have persuaded the woman he loves that she loves him, too, tonight is a very special celebration.”

“And since her mile-high chocolate pie is to die for, I’d suggest you really want that recipe,” Jonathan added.
And here I thought Martha was an Artist, not in PR. Really, Jonathan! Mile-High Chocolate Pie! Shame on you. (hee-hee)

“Oh, honey. Is that what’s bothering you? I might say things like that but I’d rather have you for my daughter-in-law than a dozen grandchildren. Lois, you are the best thing to ever happen to Clark. I’ve known you were the one for him from the first time he mentioned you.”
Can I adopt her?

“Oh, no. Jonathan and I had intended to discuss this with both you and Clark together, but I suppose it won’t hurt to run this past you first. As you know, my latest art endeavor is what is known as laser sculpture which involves the use of holograms...”
EDIT: (I rushed off this FDK before heading out the door, where upon I realized, it made no sense because the hologram tabloid problem and the SLV problem were two separate issues. Hence, my edit of FDK for my following argument.)I've always wondered about this technique. Because it seemed like an outright lie to me, trickery. Clark refuses to do the same thing (lie) when confronted by the tabloid press in SLV. Instead he insists on telling everyone the truth (until they realize the photo is a fraud), I think because he felt guilty for lying when he used the hologram. (That and having all the tabloids interested in CK for his laundry abilities.) I can honestly say, it's been a while since I've watched Top Copy, maybe CK did do it in a way where he didn't lie to the media, just put a different spin on what he was saying... and they were seeing. But I'm sure to find tomatos and rotten eggs thrown at my computer screens by all of you who disagree with me. I'm sure -- as with all of her other work -- MLT will find a way to have Clark tell the truth while at the same time pull the wool over the tabloid media's eyes. I know it will (should) work but... well, I'm torn. I don't want their lives to get any worse. And it could if this blows up in their faces.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.