I guess the possibility that Mayson is having done to her what Claude did to Lois should probably bother me, but it doesn't. Just my evil nature, but even if Mayson was somehow hypnotized or whatever with the Nirvana, it doesn't make me want to give her a break, since the fact that she did it means that extortion and betrayal are not against her moral code. What goes around tends to come around, and if anyone deserves her reputation smeared, it's her.

Let's hope the hologram solves the fourth estate problem, but I'm still waiting for the solution to Clark's eyesight problem to pop up. And I'd love to see Ralph get his come-uppance. I guess I just can't like Ralph. The guy has absolutely no class.

I shot him in the butt in one story. Can't somebody do something similar?

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.