Yay! You posted it!

thank you again to Brenda for betaing this fic
It was absolutely my pleasure. I'm just glad to see that it wasn't my comments that ran you off. laugh

I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I absolutely adore your depiction of Lois and Clark on this outing to the Kerth Awards dinner. It's awkward and the perfect leader to the will they/won't they of dating.

I really liked the changes you made. Here are some of my favorite bits:
“You know what Clark? I’m struggling to think of someone else I’d put myself in this situation for.
This is so telling of how much Lois likes Clark. Who else, indeed?

She smiled. “And I prefer comfy country Clark to award-winning tux-wearing Clark.”

“Oh, I know *that*,” he practically laughed, giving her a quick flash of his pearly white teeth.
Happy sigh. This is so in-character. I can totally see and hear this exchange happening.

“Good. So I can tell you that I think you’ll make a better arm ornament than I would have, and you’ll take it as a complement.”

She stared at his serious face that was trying so hard not to smile. “Thank you, Clark.”

He looked over at Lois, enjoying her meal as his raisin. No, he felt as if he had already won.
Clark is also soft and sweet. Can I have one?

More soon, please.
