
Have you ever known anyone trying to get over having been sexually abused like you are implying?
Evelyn, I'm not sure if you asked that because you wanted an answer or because you were trying to make a point. Either way, here is probably not the place for such a discussion.

If you do want a reply, or you want to expand your point, feel free to PM me. smile

And I guess I don't understand why the addition anyway,
That's the difficult thing about giving FDK - you can only comment on what has happened or what you think might happen. Perhaps when (if?) you read on, you'll understand - although you still might not agree.

True Love

Phoebe doesn't really care about Moyne much,
That's true, but she probably still cares about her sister - Moyne's mother.


Understood but he is still going to look human No pointed ears, nose ridges, spots running down the neck, etc,
Ah, I understand now.

Kathy Yep - the great thing about fanfic, you can tweak almost anything!

