As many others have commented already, this part took me by surprise. I did not quite expect a reporter to find out about "the alien" (unless it was Lois somehow revealing the operation in light of an innocent being tortured, but that was before Scardino gave them an out). Also, I kind of expected Nightfall, but two days from now? Ouch! That's not a lot of time. I wander if Menzies will believe that the alien escaped and if he'll be outraged that he was fooled (considering Moyne is more or less out of the picture, that Phoebe doesn't really care about Moyne much, and that all evidence of the operation is destroyed, he doesn't have many reasons - nor the opportunity without rods - to go after Clark). But to me, it seems unlikely that he'll simply ask Clark to fight off Nightfall, even through Scardino or Lois. I could be wrong... But I wonder if that's going to be a decision that Clark makes on his own (if he somehow finds out on TV)...

Can't wait to find out how you'll deal with all these problems.