
lots of little deadpan comments that are really funny.
Thanks. I didn't set out to write something funny, but I was a bit cornered by Alisha's requests wink

DW Initially, this was going to be a 1 parter. Then I started writing and realised it was getting really big, and I needed somewhere to put a chapter break. So - the dramatic ending wasn't really planned!


The intriguing situation is due to Alisha's requests!


How long do we have to wait until the next part?
I had planned to post daily, but today I got engrossed in writing TMTY. Hopefully part 2 lunchtime tomorrow (Oz time.)

Framework Good point. I'm sure that somewhere (fanfic, TV show, book), I read about the concept of locking down a city (or part of a city.)

It is more realistic that it would be just a few streets, rather than a large area. I didn't actually explain that - I probably should have.

I was thinking lockdown = a police-imposed clearing of the streets.

Thanks - I'll try to make it clearer before it goes to the archive.

Kathy I've always enjoyed Lois realising that Clark is so much more than she figured. laugh

Alisha I'm so glad you enjoyed the first part. My initial reaction to your requests was smile1
