Very interesting start. Looking forward to more.

My remarks below are about a truly minor point and are not to be considered as criticism of the story.

"Henderson called," Perry says. "He's really worried. He said that if there is a hint of a confrontation tonight, the police are going to consider putting the city into lockdown."
I have a question, what do you mean by a "lockdown"? I'm in the USA and the term is not in common usage, at least in Oregon, and what it sounds like...
"Anyway," I say airily, "everyone knows that lockdowns don't apply to emergency services."
is the Police imposing some sort of city wide curfew and applying the curfew to adults.

If so for readers in the USA a paragraph of background might be useful as currently such a curfew can't be imposed except by the federal Government and then only under very limited circumstances. And while the Metropolis of L&C is not in our universe it is normally treated as if it were a part of the USA.
