Vicki Sorry about lulling you into thinking everything is going well. This is a 'Trail' - a bumpy and sometimes difficult path. wink

Bellarase Clark's already gone all noble! But to every action, there is a reaction laugh


In a way, they have to get to know each other (in a whole different, more normal, setting than in the prison and even now, "running" still isn't normal).

I also get a feeling that there is more to the story - the part between Linda's death and Lois' escape. But I am sure we will get that part, right?
From part 8

When she looked up, his partly formed smile simmered with encouragement. "It's uncanny how you do that," she said.

"That isn't what you were about to say."

Lois chuckled. "Is reading my mind a superpower?"

His eyes crinkled with amusement. "What were you going to say?"
Did that make it any clearer? Or just confused ?

Brenda Great character analysis!

Your speculation is fascinating. As I read it, I could see how the story could, quite believably, go in those directions (except for perhaps the 'petite former farmer's wife' wink )


That Lois ended up telling him more than she intended shows how much she trusts him and how confortable and safe she feels with him.


It's what he's been working himself up to for quite a while now, and I knew it was coming,
Thank you. Even with Clark's reputation for 'nobleness' there had to be background for his belief that he can't be what Lois needs.


I feel like it is 2 steps forward and 1 step back.
You've hit on one of the difficulties in the fic. Realistically, I think Clark's recovery would take months, perhaps even years. But to write it in that timeframe is problematic - too long and too repetitive (the 'one step back' has to be recovered.) The story has to feel like it is always moving forward, even if Clark isn't.

I have a solution which I'm working up to. wink


But it makes sense that his emotions would still be all over the place and that he will be on a mental roller coaster for a long time.
Yes. And as I said above, documenting each little step forward over a long period is probably going to drag.

I hope he'll figure out soon that Lois' being willing to tell him what she went through means that he already is that person for her.
I am willing to reveal this - he'll get it next time. This Clark has reason to be lunkheaded, but he's not!


After all, we already got a glimpse that she managed to slip away while Ivica (?) was still focused on Linda.
Did we? confused Do you remember where? (I might need to do some editing blush )

you could always pull an unreliable narrator on us
No - not intending to do that. wink


It's funny... these lines (slightly altered, of course) could just as easily be canon Clark needing Lois to love him for himself and not Superman
Exactly. I heavily borrowed from that!

Seme The kids are back at school, so I'm trying to post about once every three days. It might slow up a bit while I write my ficathon assignment.


but I imagine it is going to take a lot of time for him to improve his self-image
Yes - but I have a shortcut in mind. Two, actually!

Hannah Good point. Clark would never look down on someone merely because of their birth country/planet/status etc. But he isn't yet at the point where he expects others to do that for him.

A/N - I once knew an Ivica. He pronounced his name I-vit-sa. (The first sound as it 'bit' not 'bite'.) I used his name for its foreign sound, not because he was anything like the Ivica in my fic smile

Thanks to those who are still reading and a big thanks to everyone who left FDK. I appreciate your thoughts and comments so much.
