There's a lot of small touches in this part that I really enjoyed--the way Lois watched Clark's hands as he drove, the way they both chose their ice cream, the observation that this is the first time in a long time for both Lois and Clark to be carefree, the complete openness in the way they talk to each other and almost bluntly ask the questions they're thinking about. And of course, my very favorite, the way they can both read the other so well. Hearing Clark ask her what was wrong even when she hadn't said anything yet was great.

It was pretty tragic hearing what had happened to Lois. My favorite part through it all was how Clark took her hand, and the imagery you evoked as you had that touch leading her through the darkness. Both of them are the bright lights shining through the black, as you pointed out, and I love how they're relying on each other.

The way they talked about their fears was so poignant, and intense despite the fact that all they're doing is lying on the bed talking to each other. I'm glad Lois knows how to address Clark's fears even if she can't totally allay them, and I'm relieved that Clark took hearing her fears so well.

Clark is always ready to sacrifice for others, especially Lois, so I'm not surprised that he's come to the conclusion he's not right for her. It's what he's been working himself up to for quite a while now, and I knew it was coming, but I have no doubt that they'll get through this. I just can't wait to see how you do it!
