Really wow! Even though I think some of us expected 25 to go the way it did (after being expertly being set up), I was still on the edge of my seat the whole time.

When Menzies arrived, I actually was waiting for the gun shot to come - Menzies does seem like the type of guy who would wrap up this operation and maybe even shoot CLark just to see if the rods have weakened him enough. Also, I just kept thinking, once Menzies showed up, Thank Goodness that the rods are in there otherwise Lois will be in so much trouble!

I am glad that I wasn't Lois who had to perform that field surgery - my stomach is still tied up in knots thinking about it. But you wrote it really well and I am glad that at the last minute, there wasn't some other mechanism releasing the poison. Guess Trask didn't think of everything? wink

Bridge was really excellent despite the beginning of the story (the first one) starting out really scary and like Kathy said, waiting anxiously between parts was most times not great on the refresh button. I am so looking forward to Trail and I am sure that there a quite a number of surprises still clap
