I'm sorry that I haven't posted more feedback on your story as you posted it, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Like others, I counted the days and minutes until each post. The Clark and Lois you have portrayed here are amazing individuals and it's been fascinating to see them find their way out of the darkness together.

EvelynC said:
I am worried that they maybe should have torched the place
That was what I expected when Lois retrieved Jonas from her dad's place. What better cover than to have the skeletal remains with a bullet hole through the skull, traces of hair and blood (from the surgery), a mass of melted lead, and not much else? It would have been a great way to destroy the rods, too. Lois could have closed out the operation herself and calmly walked away from the job with both Scardino and Menzies thinking that the alien was dead and gone. I could totally see this Lois doing something like that just to show them that they couldn't dismiss her as an operative just because she's a woman.

Of course, those two and Moyne would still know that Clark lived when Superman finally made his debut, but it would have given Lois and Clark some breathing room.

Then again, what you have planned will be more interesting and will leave us on the edge of our seats with each post.

"If you hadn't been so slipshod in your responsibilities, this could have been accomplished much more efficiently," he said wrathfully.
This statement from Menzies confused me. What exactly did he mean? Does he mean that Lois should have recognized that Moyne was the monster sooner and avoided the attack in the first place? Or that she should have figured out a way to cover his nephew's pathology the way Trask had?
Grrr. mad

Thank you for this story. I can't wait to see what comes next.


ETA: I also wanted to mention how much I enjoyed the parallels between Lois' blossoming relationship with Clark and her relationship with her dad. This Sam is a wonderful man. IIRC, you gave Sam and Lois a much better background than the show, but it seems like some really great things will come out of each person's trials.

I hope that you'll help Lois figure out a way to return to Metropolis soon.