Laura I'm glad you had a good birthday. Lois's control is slipping laugh - remember, this is only the second day that she's been in the cell.


Lois thinks Clark is afraid of being touched by her or anyone, but he's just afraid of her reaction to touching an alien, isn't he?

More answers coming - some soon, some not so soon.


She knows that she's damaged, but she also knows that his damage is far worse and that she can't simply run away from her feelings the way she might do under difference circumstances.
There were definitely benefits to Clark having endured the horror of Trask's imprisonment. This is one of them.

MozartMaid Keep reading, the mystery of the surgery gets answered soon! (And I hope it's not as bad as everyone was thinking. wink )

Joy Thanks for letting me know you're still enjoying the fic.

DW Good guess about the surgery.

SJH Wouldn't you? smile

Cristina Yep, she is going to be shocked! I've written it, so it's not too far away.


This kills me to see them both thinking the other won't want them,
I was writing last night and suddenly, my muse had had enough of all the skirting around how they feel, and Clark asked a direct question, and Lois answered, and the next thing I knew the scene was written, and they had a lot of things sorted out confused confused

It isn't quite what I had planned, but huh

Could it be some lead-lined Kryptonite pill that self-destructs if he crosses the threshold of the cell door? And *that's* why he hasn't left the cell yet?
I can't remember if you're the first to say it so accurately (others have come close), but you get the virtual cookies for solving the mystery of the surgery/why Clark won't leave the cell.


Yes, you see, the male Krytponian has this protrusion on his right shoulder and the female Kryptonian on her left. And when they're facing each other in embrace, the protrusions grow and connect and, well, little spaceships get sent off a few months later.
Does that mean Lois has to have surgery now? laugh


That protrusion in Clark's shoulder is certainly going to have us guessing
I let Lois work it out.


There was one line that seemed to me to be out of place. I think the line about wanting to know if the people in Smallville thought he was human belongs before "did they know the truth about you?"
He'd pushed the door ajar with his question. Lois decided to prise it open a little further. "How did your parents explain suddenly having a child?"

"They said there had been a death in the family, and I was an orphan."

"No," he said. "We were worried that ... you know."

"So no one in Smallville knows the truth about you?"

"No," he said. "We were worried that ... you know."

Yes, she knew. And what *had* happened was probably all of their worst fears rolled into one appalling nightmare. "So as far as anyone knew, the Kents adopted you?"


She wanted to ask if that meant everyone had assumed he was human, but that sounded too blunt, so she rephrased. "If you were just a baby when you arrived, how do you know so much about your planet? How do you know it was going to be destroyed? Did your biological parents leave notes with you?"
I see what you mean. When Lois asked if anyone knew the truth about Clark probably should read like this ...

"So no one in Smallville knows the truth about how you arrived?"
Does that make it clearer?

Thanks, everyone!!
