Another awesome chapter. I loved getting inside Lois's head. It would be interesting to see what was going on in clark's head throughout all this. i'm hoping we will get to see that in the next chapter?

So many questions. what will she find in Kansas? Where are the Kents? What iwas the operation? What's up with Moyne's uncle - including why did you mention a mysterious one-year sabbatical and will that ne important later on? And, of course, what is that preview all about??

There was one line that seemed to me to be out of place. I think the line about wanting to know if the people in Smallville thought he was human belongs before "did they know the truth about you?"

I am still waiting to see if Clark's senses kick in when he goes to bed tonight on Lois's pillow and her W-the-P sleeping bag. Why do I smile every time I picture that sleeping bag? hehe.

Loving this story!

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster