Nervous!Clark and Lois supporting him every step of the way is just about the cutest thing ever. I love how she handles the super powers in stride.

"Do it now," she suggested. "Let's both get over being freaked out, and then we can wash your hair."

It had been one of the most sensual acts she had ever experienced.

He was way too old for her.
That's what you think honey! Another <vbg> I cannot *wait* for her to see him sans beard!

Really loved the insight from Lois we got here. Its so nice to read Introspective!Lois. Its amazing to see her thoughts mirror Clark's from the last update and their natural progression: beginning with concern for her own vulnerability to ultimately deciding she would stick by him no matter the cost to her heart.

"Well, sometimes in romantic novels, the hero is said to have 'smouldering eyes'. I guess you really do."

When the time came for him to be free ... to begin the rest of his life ... she wanted to be with him.

More than anything, she wanted to be with Clark.


Freeing her to return to her world.

Her world - where he would never be welcome.
*yells into the cell* Oh but you will Clark, just see above what she was thinking about you! laugh

This kills me to see them both thinking the other won't want them, but at least they're not denying what they want all the same. Hopefully that will make the sorting of the feelings easier in the long run.

There was a small protrusion just above his right collarbone - about half an inch across.
Now this is very worrisome indeed! The surgery? Could it be some lead-lined Kryptonite pill that self-destructs if he crosses the threshold of the cell door? And *that's* why he hasn't left the cell yet?

And of course I'm dying to know about the teaser yet again. Have both been contacted by higher-ups about Lois and want to give her heads up? Or maybe they're conversing about Trask's journal and want to give her info? Or are they just really that concerned about Clark's un-knotted hair? smile Regardless I can't wait to read the next part!