Heh, heh, heh. *Rubs hands together gleefully*

OK, I'm hooked ... I don't normally read stories that are unfinished, especially with an uncertain posting schedule. (I appreciate your honesty about that, btw.) But I couldn't resist at least reading the first chapter, just to see what your premise was, since I've enjoyed your previous stories so much. And ... yeah, I'm hooked. lol

I hope you'll keep going and keep posting -- I'm chuckling evilly just picturing Lois's reaction to his little bombshell. Not my normal reaction to them fighting but she was just so ... so ... deserving of it in this first chapter. So I'm very curious to see where you're going to take it.

Oh, and if you're still looking for your muse, I think I saw him over at the Ace of Clubs. There's a new singer over there, a real looker ... word on the street is that he's enthralled by her rendition of "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out." Anyway, she's apparently in love with this cute bartender and your muse found out about it and went on another bender. Sigh. I hope you're able to find him and clean him up this time. Jealous drunks have such messy hangovers ...
